The beginning could perhaps be described as humble yet it had the makings of the institution to come.
Lakshmikumaran & Sridharan formed
V. Lakshmikumaran resigned from Indian Revenue Service, and with his brother V. Sridharan, started Lakshmikumaran & Sridharan in New Delhi.
presence in mumbai
With the setting up of the Mumbai Bench of the Customs, Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal, the firm set up its offices in Mumbai.
Dr. Malathi joins our new IP practice
bangalore office set up
Trade in goods and services gained momentum as a result of liberalisation in the 1990s. We opened our 3rd office in Bangalore (now Bengaluru) to handle our ever increasing clientele.
To improve service delivery and provide greater accessibility to its expanding clientele, the firm opened offices in Chennai (2002) and Hyderabad (2005).
The Next Gen
New Delhi, Safdarjung Enclave Office
2007The Next Gen
New Delhi, Safdarjung Enclave Office
milestone: team of 100 professionals
Our team strength touches a hundred comprising lawyers, doctors, technology and business professionals.
Office in Ahmedabad established.
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