K. Srikanth
Executive Partner, New Delhi
Srikanth is an Executive Partner in Indirect Tax Consulting wing of the firm at New Delhi. He has worked in multiple tax verticals within the firm during the past 20 years.
About K. Srikanth
About K. Srikanth
Srikanth has a rich experience in undertaking comprehensive tax compliance reviews (both Direct and Indirect Tax laws) covering all subject areas like, Customs including Foreign Trade Policy, SEZ Act, Central Excise, Service Tax, Cenvat Credit, Value Added Tax, Central Sales Tax and Goods and Services Tax Act.
Srikanth has successfully undertaken high level tax compliance reviews for various types of assesses like, manufacturer of both excisable and exempted goods, traders, service providers, special economic zone units and developers, export-oriented units, STP / EHTP units, etc.
He has a vast practical industry experience, has travelled all over India and physically visited many manufacturing plants covering various sectors like iron and steel, oil and gas, coal bed methane, FMCG giants, refineries, mines, heavy machinery manufacturers, automobile giants and also many companies in the service sectors like real estate, hospitality, healthcare, telecom, information technology, etc.
Srikanth has successfully undertaken GST Impact Study exercise for various big manufacturers and service providers, and visited all their plants, all over India in this connection.
He provides advisory assistance to clients on classification, taxation, valuation and regulatory related issues and also represents them before various quasi-judicial and judicial bodies including Commissioners, Tribunal, Advance Ruling Authority, etc.
He has rich expertise in providing advisory and hand holding assistance to various big multi location group companies currently facing investigations having huge stakes, initiated by Director General of Anti-Profiteering and National Anti-profiteering Authority.
Srikanth was a team leader of L&S team involved in GST project and worked along with Infosys in the office of GSTN for creating various modules which are currently in force in GST portal.
Srikanth was a team leader for a GST consulting project for Indian Railways, covering all zonal railways and Production Units, all over India by giving advisory services on GST related issues.
University of Delhi
Madras University
Bachelor of Science (Major – Mathematics)
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