
09 April 2013

International Trade Amicus: April 2012

This issue of "International Trade Amicus" analyses time limit for anti-dumping investigations and India's practice in this regard. Article in this April 2012 issue ponders over whether it is permissible for investigating authority to re-look into investigation after 18 month deadline? In WTO, both India and China were at the centre of various disputes when USA sought consultations with India on its import prohibitions on certain agricultural products, and along with EU and Japan sought consultations with China on its rare earth export restrictions, while revised Government Procurement Agreement was adopted by the WTO's Government Procurement Committee. Under 'Statutory Updates', Indian Finance Bill, 2012 has proposed amendment in the provisions for imposition of Transitional Safeguard duty on imports from China. As per the proposals, Central Government can continue with the duties for 10 years from date of initial imposition.

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