
08 April 2013

International Trade Amicus: March 2012

This March 2012 issue of "International Trade Amicus" covers article on anti-dumping duty assessment and combination rates which states that use of combination rates on apprehension of dumping by reseller would result in unnecessary prejudice to producers who are ready to cooperate but are subject to higher rate for want of cooperation by other producers, etc. In WTO, India has complained against Turkey's safeguard duty on cotton imports, EU's decision to provide unilateral market access to Pakistan at zero duty was approved and USA has signed MoU with EU and Japan to amend its anti-dumping laws to do away with the practice of 'Zeroing'. Further, EU's decision to levy tax, popularly known as carbon tax, on airlines landing and taking off, into and from EU was severely criticized last month by group of 30 countries, including the BRICs. Under 'Ratio decidendi', this issue covers an order wherein Bombay High Court has held that anti-dumping duty is imposable during the interregnum period after expiry of provisional duty and before imposition of definitive duty.

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