Principle of National Treatment, as enshrined under Article III of the GATT has been discussed elaborately in this November 2013 issue of International Trade Amicus. According to the author, though the first sentence of Article III:2 necessitates ‘like’ product, yet in the light of the second sentence of Article III:2, the products in question may not be ‘like’ products. It is argued that principle of national treatment under Article(s) III:1 and III:2 has to be interpreted according to the facts and circumstances of each case. Various trade remedy actions by and against India, initiated or concluded during the last month, are also covered under Trade Remedy News. The section on WTO News covers news items like Ukraine’s safeguard measure on cars being taken to dispute settlement by Japan and China seeking consultations with EU on implementation of earlier DSB report in case DS397. The news section also includes the empanelment of Lakshmikumaran & Sridharan (L&S) by the Ministry of Commerce, China (MOFCOM) for assisting them in WTO dispute settlement and sub-regional trade agreements or Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) and on Trade barriers.
01 January 0001