

Our attorneys and specialists remain up-to-date with the latest legal developments and offer their perspectives and critical commentary.


International Trade & WTO

Is export restraint a countervailable subsidy? – Strict to liberal approach

03 April 2023

The article discusses as to whether government action in the form of an export restraint on the export of a product results in a subsidy to the domestic producers of downstream products. It elaborately analysis WTO Panel report in United States - Measures treating export restraints as subsidies and the Appellate Body report in the dispute United States- Countervailing duty investigation on dynamic random-access memory semiconductors (‘DRAMS’) from Korea, and discuss how the trade authorities...

Goods and Services Tax

Dry lease of aircrafts under GST: A classification conundrum

30 March 2023

The article discusses elaborately the problems of classification and rate of GST in case of dry leasing of an aircraft. In respect of classification, the authors note that there is no specific mention of aircrafts under the Explanatory Notes to sub-heading 997311 or under the residuary entry 997319, though the Service Code 7311 of the UNCPC provides for transport equipment and specifically includes aircrafts. For rate of tax, the authors note that though it can be argued...

Securities Laws

Fund raising challenges of startups under the Companies Act

27 March 2023

The article discusses a recent decision of the Registrar of Companies, NCT of Delhi and Haryana relating to Section 42 of the Companies Act, 2013 (private placement of shares). The Adjudicating Officer has in this decision observed that the provision requires that the company should adhere to the limit of 200 persons not just with respect to the number of persons who ultimately subscribe to the securities of the company, but also that this limit cannot be exceeded at the time of making an offer


Digital India Act: Evolving clarity & challenges

27 March 2023

The Digital India Act (DIA) is set to replace the Information Technology Act, 2000 (IT Act) on account of a transformed internet landscape today, with significant internet penetration, multiple intermediaries operating across the internet and complex forms of user harms. The article hence discusses the glimpse into the Digital India Act, as presented recently by the Minister of State for Electronics & Information Technology. The authors in this regard discuss how the DIA lays importance...

Direct Tax

Tax on ‘Cash’ benefits and perquisites – Applicability on waiver of debts

22 March 2023

Amongst various tax amendment proposals announced this year, proposal for taxing ‘cash’ benefits and perquisites is likely to have a wide-reaching impact on the taxpayers, especially in the context of waiver of debts due from a corporate debtor. More than the corporate debtor, the amendment may prove to be burdensome for the lender waiving such debts due to withholding tax liability imposed upon such lender. The article aims to discuss the proposed amendment and its impact.

Intellectual Property

A ray of hope: Delhi High Court allows amending method claims to product claims

16 March 2023

The article discusses a landmark Judgement passed by the Delhi High Court in the matter of Allergan Inc v. Controller of Patents. With this judgement, the Court has allowed amendments made by the Appellant for converting the method of treatment claims to product claims. Capturing the facts of the case, the appeal proceedings, and the decision including the essence of the order, the authors conclude that the present order will serve to be a significant milestone in patent prosecution in India.

International Trade & WTO

Retrospective amendments to Tribunal’s appellate jurisdiction under trade remedy laws: To be or not to be!

03 March 2023

The retrospective amendments proposed by the Finance Bill, 2023 to Section 9C and other related provisions of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 have tried to resolve the dispute regarding powers of the CESTAT to entertain appeals against the Ministry of Finance’s refusal to impose trade remedy measures despite positive recommendations from the DGTR. The article traces the background of the issue, the previous jurisprudence, the recent amendments proposed, and concludes with some comments.


Energy Conservation (Amendment) Act, 2022: An overview

27 February 2023

In the backdrop of India’s commitments made in the UN Climate Change Conference in 2021, the Central Government has recently enacted the Energy Conservation (Amendment) Act, 2022 (‘Amendment Act’) to amend the two decades old Energy Conservation Act, 2001. The move aims to strengthen the regulatory framework on energy consumption and promote energy efficiency in the country. The article highlights the significant features...

Goods and Services Tax

Classification of indigenous ‘Rab’ prepared from sugar cane: The final decision

23 February 2023

The issue of classification of the product ‘Rab’ (semi-solid sugarcane juice) and applicable rate of tax on its supply has been a subject matter of dispute for a long time. The article intends to highlight the divergent practices followed by the industry and analyse if the CBIC Circular No. 189/01/2023-GST, dated 13 January 2023 has resolved the issue in entirety. Elaborately analysing the issues and concerns...

Intellectual Property

Assessment of the inventive step in India

16 February 2023

The article examines a Delhi High Court decision against an order passed by the Controller of Patents and Designs refusing the grant of the patent application for lacking inventive step. It further highlights the fundamental principles discussed by the High Court for analysis of an ‘inventive step’ in India. The article notes how the High Court discussed the various approaches available for determining the inventive step which were followed across various jurisdictions...

Intellectual Property

Do the trademarks provisions permit registrar to transfer pending petitions to IPD of the Court?

16 February 2023

The article discusses a Delhi High Court decision where one of the questions that came up before the IPD, Delhi was whether the Trade Marks Registry can transfer pending rectification/cancellation petitions to the IPD of the respective Hon’ble High Court. The Court observed that if the court thinks it is necessary to consolidate and hear together all the matters related to the same or related subject matter before the IPD, it may direct so.

Direct Tax

Taxation of unexempt income of Public Charitable Trusts

15 February 2023

Income derived from Trust property has been exempt under Income-tax laws since the Act of 1886. Tracing the legislative history in respect of income from property held under trust, the author examines amendments made by Finance Act, 1970; Taxation Laws (Amendment) Act, 1975; Finance Act, 1983; and Finance Act, 2022, the author concludes that the present iteration of Section 13(1)(c) / Section 13(1)(d) makes it evident that ...

International Trade & WTO

Arresting the distortion – The EU Commission way

01 February 2023

The article elaborately analyses the recent imposition of definitive anti-dumping duty by the European Union on imports of fatty acid originating from Indonesia. The article tries to decode how the EU Anti-dumping Regulation deals with cases where the raw material prices are distorted and how the Commission in the present case implemented the said Regulations.

Goods and Services Tax

‘Value addition’ in Value Addition Tax: Extension of limitation period

25 January 2023

Post introduction of GST, the State Governments of Kerala, Gujarat and Telangana have amended their VAT laws with the objective of enhancing the limitation period in different forms. The said extension of limitation period needs to be tested on the touchstone of the Indian Constitution i.e., whether the States continued to possess ‘power’ under the Constitution to levy and administer VAT with the advent of GST law.

Direct Tax

Penalty under Sections 221 & 271C for non-deduction/ short deduction of tax at source

24 January 2023

The article deals with a peculiar issue of simultaneous applicability of two penal provisions being Sections 221 and 271C of the Income Tax Act, 1961, which may be fastened on the assessee for non-deduction/ short deduction of tax at source. The authors for this purpose consider the relevant provisions, applicability of Rule of Double Jeopardy and various judicial precedents on applicability of two penalty provisions for the short deduction of TDS.


E-waste (Management) Rules, 2022 – An analysis

19 January 2023

The new Rules will come into force on 1 April 2023 and will introduce recycling targets in the extended producer responsibility (‘EPR’) plan of the producers of e-waste. The article elaborately discusses major changes and the widened scope as compared to the earlier 2016 Rules. The authors discuss the registration requirements, reduction of compliances on bulk consumers, introduction of recycling certificate, introduction of refurbishing certificate and deferred liability, and penal provisions

Intellectual Property

Divisional Applications in India: Part II

18 January 2023

The article further discusses the evolving law around Divisional Applications in India. Analysing two decisions of the IPAB and one of the Delhi High Court, the article notes that the requirement that the claims of a divisional application have to be based on, more particularly, to have their route, or to be gleaned from, or clearly exist in, the claims of the parent application, appears to be a unique one and such a requirement is not seen in other major jurisdictions, such as Europe or USA.

International Trade & WTO

Playing on the wrong side – United States’ Section 232 measures held inconsistent with WTO law

30 December 2022

The WTO Panel has held that USA’s additional duties on imports of steel products and aluminium products are inconsistent with various provisions of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (‘GATT’), most notably the security exception in Article XXI. The article discusses the panel’s key findings concerning the consistency of the US’ measures with GATT Article XXI which enables a WTO Member to take measures which are necessary for the protection of its essential security interests

Goods and Services Tax

Arbitral award: Compensation or consideration

29 December 2022

The article discusses the GST liability on arbitral awards. It notes that though the CBIC Circular No. 178/10/2022-GST, dated 3 August 2022 has paved the way in understanding the GST implications on arbitral awards, determination of the nature of the arbitral award, requires analysis of facts surrounding each case and the terms and conditions of the contract entered between the parties as the awarded amount may not necessarily be in the nature of a compensation.

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