

Our attorneys and specialists remain up-to-date with the latest legal developments and offer their perspectives and critical commentary.


Intellectual Property

Are ‘trappings of a court’ enough to cloth an order of an authority under Section 2(14) of CPC?

24 January 2024

The article discusses a recent Delhi HC decision holding that Letters Patent Appeal is allowed in trademark appeals and that a bar on such intra-court appeals as provided under Section 100A of Civil Procedure Code (CPC), 1908, do not apply to Letters Patent powers of High Courts with regard to trademark disputes as they are saved by virtue of Sections 4 and 104 of CPC.

Direct Tax

Interplay between foreign taxpayers’ global profits and PE profit attribution

22 January 2024

The article discusses the issue of attribution of profits in case of losses at the global level, which has once again gathered spotlight as the Delhi High Court in Hyatt International Southwest Asia Limited has expressed its prima facie disagreement with the decision in Nokia Solutions and has referred the issue to a Larger Bench. Discussing Article 7 of the DTAA and Rule 10 of the Income Tax Rules, the authors state that the LB decision will have a major impact.

Intellectual Property

Geographical Indications – Madhya Pradesh High Court elucidates registered proprietor’s rights

16 January 2024

In a recent decision dated 18 December 2023 , the Division Bench (Two-Judge Bench) of the Madhya Pradesh High Court, while adjudicating a petition under Article 227 of the Constitution of India, set aside the order dated 28 October 2021 passed by the Commercial District Court, Indore and held that a suit for infringement of Geographical Indication tags is maintainable by the Registered Proprietor of the GI tag, even if the Authorised User of the same GI tag is not impleaded as a party.

Intellectual Property

The vigour that Form-3 carries – Delhi High Court imposes costs for material suppression and misrepresentation of facts

16 January 2024

The article elaborately discusses a recent decision of the Single Judge of the Delhi High Court, imposing costs of INR 5 lakh on the Plaintiff for having suppressed material facts by way of failing to report that corresponding foreign patents of the suit patent had been invalidated/refused in several foreign jurisdictions.

Corporate, Regulatory

Future of targeted and behavioral advertising in India – Analysing CJEU’s Judgment on Meta Platforms

15 January 2024

The article analyses a recent decision of the CJEU and its implications in the background of the Indian data privacy laws. In this regard, it is pertinent to note that India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 (‘ DPDP Act ’) will be notified soon and companies involved in processing of personal data for targeted advertising may need to revisit and revise their policies to comply with the law.

Corporate, Mergers & Acquisitions / PE

Plastic Waste Management Rules revised – Analysis of significant changes

05 January 2024

The article analyses recent amendments in the Plastic Waste Management Rules. According to the authors, the changes represent the Central Government’s acknowledgement of the gaps in the regulatory framework for plastic waste management. The article in this regard discusses changes like clear distinction being drawn between producers and importers, clarity on applicability of EPR Guidelines to export products, and elimination of conflicting interpretations of labelling requirements, etc.


Demystifying the Dark Patterns

03 January 2024

Dark Patterns can be referred to as the deceptive web or UI designs or patterns commonly used in web based or mobile based platforms, intended to manipulate, or trick the decision of a consumer by deceiving them to do something that is determinantal to his interest and something that the consumer otherwise would not do, compromising consumer’s autonomy, decision-making power, and his privacy. Some of the widely used dark patterns include subscription trap, false urgency, and click and bait.


Locking horns over ‘free’ and ‘restricted’

28 December 2023

The concept of ‘restriction’ imposed on export of goods as indicated in the Indian Trade Classification (ITC (HS)) has been the subject matter of judicial interpretation before various forums. The article analyses a recent Gujarat High Court decision in the case of Satyendra Packaging Limited v. Union of India, which has sparked some controversy towards the settled understanding of the issue.

Intellectual Property

Scope of ‘known substance’ under Patents Act Section 3(d): Madras High Court elaborates

26 December 2023

The article discusses a recent Madras HC decision highlighting nuances of applying Section 3(d) in so far as the ‘known substance’ based exclusion under the said provision, is concerned. Merely because the claimed invention is a polymorph of a compound that is previously patented, does not automatically render it a ‘known substance’, unless the compound is published before the priority date of the claimed invention.


Regulation of Dark Patterns

19 December 2023

Dark patterns are deceptive user interface/ user experience (‘ UI/UX ’) designs (such as pre-selected checkboxes and variations in visual prominence) which induce users to make purchases (or otherwise act in ways) that they did not initially intend. The article discusses as to how they were designed to mislead the consumers, and what are the restrictions on the use of Dark patterns in EU, USA, and now in India.

Intellectual Property

Registrability of trademarks derived from generic names in Pharma Industry – Madras HC strikes a balance

18 December 2023

The article discusses a recent Madras HC decision against a refusal order for registration of the mark ‘Inimox’ considering an opposition by the owner of mark ‘Imox’, both used for pharmaceuticals. The Court has overturned the Registry’s findings in respect of ‘likelihood of confusion’ and directed the mark ‘Inimox’ to proceed for registration. This is an important decision clarifying on the contours of registering API-derivate brand names in the pharmaceutical industry.

Direct Tax

Income-tax implications of issues of shares at a discount

18 December 2023

The issue of shares by a company and its subscription by a shareholder is ordinarily on capital account, from the perspective of the company as well as the shareholder. No income can arise on issuance of shares by a company.

International Trade & WTO

CJEU invalidates Non-Preferential Rules of Origin – A ray of hope for Indian exporters of seamless stainless-steel pipes and tubes to EU

05 December 2023

The article focuses on the implication of the recent judgement of the CJEU relating to the Non-Preferential Rules of Origin wherein the EU's Court has held that the primary rule for CTSH 7304 41 under the Rules of Origin is invalid to the extent it excludes the cold rolled processing performed on hot-rolled tubes or mother pipes classifiable under CTSH 7304 49. According to the author, as the EU market opens, this will give a significant boost to Indian exports from this sector

Goods and Services Tax

The equivocal nature of the advisory regarding Input Tax Credit (ITC) reversal under Rule 37(A)

04 December 2023

The article discusses the conflicting nature of a recent Advisory issued by the GSTN in respect of ITC reversal on account of new CGST Rule 37(A). The authors in this regard discuss various ambiguities surrounding this Advisory, like the period to be considered for computation of amount of ITC to be reversed, whether data of GSTR 2A or GSTR 2B is to be considered, etc. According to them, there is a requirement of detailed guidelines.

Goods and Services Tax

The bittersweet classification of Flavoured Milk

30 November 2023

Classification of goods under the correct tariff item is the first and the most litigative issue in any tax jurisdiction. The article hence analyses the implications of a Madras HC decision which has held that flavored milk is classifiable under Heading 0402 and not under Heading 2202 covering beverage containing milk. Deliberating on the reasoning of the High Court and the relevance of this decision, the authors highlight various issues which need to be understood by the industry.


Cross-border payments for Indian businesses – Impact of RBI’s new guidelines

29 November 2023

The Reserve Bank of India (‘RBI’) vide Notification No. RBI/2023-24/80 CO.DPSS.POLC.No.S-786/02-14-008/2023-24 dated 31 October 2023, has issued a new regulatory framework for Payment Aggregators of Cross Border Transactions (‘PA-CB Regulation’). The said regulation shall govern all entities, including AD Banks, engaged in the processing / settlement of cross-border payment transactions for import and export of goods and services.

Direct Tax

SC Ruling on MFN Clause in Tax Treaty: A conundrum for the tax deductors in India?

20 November 2023

Recently, the Supreme Court of India passed a judgment interpreting the Most Favoured Nation (‘MFN’) clause present in various Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements (‘DTAAs’). In essence, an MFN clause is incorporated in DTAAs entered into by India with a country (say second state) by which a promise is made by India to give the same benefit or preferential treatment which India may accord to another country (say third state) in future.

Intellectual Property

Product-by-Process: Perception by Indian Patent Law

14 November 2023

This article aims to explore the scope of patentability and infringement concerning product-by-process claims with a specific emphasis on the recent two decisions of the Delhi High Court, passed by the learned Single Judge and the Division Bench of the Delhi High Court in the case of CS(COMM) 261/2021 and connected matters.

Corporate, Regulatory

Impact of DPDP Act on employee data

03 November 2023

As the recently passed Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 (‘DPDPA’) awaits implementation guidance from the Government, it is slated to have significant impact across all sectors and industries. As a result of the same, entities would have to reimagine data handling practices when processing personal data of customers, employees and other third parties who are individuals.

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