
01 January 0001

International Trade Amicus: September 2013

Evaluation of application seeking initiation of anti-dumping duty is the topic of discussion this month. Article in this September 2013 issue elaborately discusses the DSB panel report in the dispute between Guatemala and Mexico, and concludes that information contained in the application must be backed by evidences as may be reasonably available with the applicant. The table on Trade Remedy measures gives list of products and the measures taken by/against India. In the WTO, USA and Indonesia have locked horns, with the US filing revised consultation request with Indonesia against the latter’s non-automatic import licensing requirements and Indonesia seeking retaliation in the clove cigarettes issue. Chinese anti-dumping and countervailing measures against broiler products from USA have been held as not correct and panel has been established to consider anti-dumping duty imposed by China on certain stainless steel tubes from EU. Report on Potentially Trade Restrictive Measures released by EU has placed India behind Brazil and Argentina in respect of restrictions on government procurement. Under Ratio decidendi, this issue of International Trade Amicus covers decision of US Court of International Trade, in an anti-dumping circumvention case, holding that ‘unfinished small diameter graphite electrodes’ and ‘artificial graphite electrodes’ are one and the same thing.

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