The need for determination of the domestic industry comes at the stage of initiation of an investigation.
Article in this December 2015 issue of the International Trade Amicus discusses Countervailing duty laws in India.
Article in this November 2015 issue of International Trade Amicus discusses the issue of ‘Date of expiry of definitive anti-dumping duty’.
Article in this issue of International Trade Amicus discusses a recent decision of the Indian Supreme Court on maintaining consistency between Indian Domestic Law and WTO: ADA.
An article discussing some of the important changes made by the American Trade Enforcement Effectiveness Act to relax USA’s trade remedy law in favour of its domestic industry is covered under Article Section of this issue of International Trade Amicus. This article pertains to some of th
August 2015 issue of International Trade Amicus covers an article titled ‘Transparency and Confidentiality in AD Investigation’. In this article, the author discusses about the basic requirements in an anti-dumping duty investigation to establish the volume and value of the imports (of t
July 2015 issue of International Trade Amicus covers an article titled ‘Courting balance between investor and host-State in ISDS’. In this article, the author discusses different approaches to ensure investor protection without compromising on certain sovereign rights of a State.
An article discussing the merits and demerits of the proposal made to enhance the rights of third party under WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding (DSU) is covered under Article Section of this International Trade Amicus issue. Tables containing trade remedy measures by and agains
An article pertaining to the time-limit in anti-dumping reviews in India is the topic of discussion in May, 2015 issue in which the author states the requirement for a suitable amendment in Rule 23 (2) of AD Rules, to put at rest the anomaly relating to time limit in review. This Amicus as u
India has proposed a new model of Bilateral Investment Treaty to address several issues it has been facing including claims from foreign investors based on taxation and the allegation that India failed to provide proper investment climate. In this issue of International Trade Amicus readers