International Trade Amicus: July 2018

Panel report in Australia - Plain packaging: A “Healthy” verdict By Jayant Raghu Ram WTO recently circulated the panel report in the Plain Packaging complaints brought against Australia

International Trade Amicus: June 2018

Delhi High Court has recently held that extensions of anti-dumping duty post expiry of the duty in force, whether it be one-year extension in the interim of sunset review or five-year extension in view of likelihood of recurrence or continuation of dumping and injury to the domestic industry pursuant to a sunset review determination, are both impermissible.

International Trade Amicus: June 2018

Sunset Reviews - Timeline for filing of applications and issuance of notification imposing duties By Greetika Francis Delhi High Court has recently held that extensions of anti-dumping duty post expiry of th

International Trade Amicus: May 2018

According to the principle of bound tariffs, WTO member countries are bound not to impose import tariffs more than what they commit to the WTO membership, subject to certain conditions under which they can impose tariffs in excess to that bound by them.

International Trade Amicus: March 2018

DGAD has recently introduced a questionnaire format for user industry in India. It is applicable if a user industry is not related to a producer/exporter of the product under consideration in the country under investigation.

International Trade Amicus: April 2018

The United States has instituted measures imposing high duties on all imports of steel and aluminium, justifying these measures on the basis of its national security requirements.

International Trade Amicus: February 2018

Three types of reviews are contemplated under the WTO Anti-dumping Agreement and the Indian Anti-dumping Rules, 1995.

International Trade Amicus: January 2018

Delhi High Court has recently answered in affirmative the question as to whether the Designated Authority must be satisfied that prima facie some case is made out before initiating the sunset review.

International Trade Amicus: December 2017

The Supreme Court of India recently held that Ministry of Finance is required to issue the notification extending anti-dumping duty before expiry of the five-year levy, and that duty that has already lapsed cannot be extended by another notification at a later date.

International Trade Amicus: November 2017

The next Ministerial Conference of Members of the Word Trade Organization is scheduled to be held in Buenos Aires on 10-13 December 2017.