
International Trade Amicus: November 2019

WTO Panel has held that certain Indian export promotion schemes violate the provisions of the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures.

International Trade Amicus: October 2019

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership is slated for conclusion by November 2019. However, from India’s perspective, several issues like Investor-State Dispute Settlement, Rules of Origin and the proposed Auto-Trigger and Snapback Safeguard Mechanism under the trade remedies, remain unresolved.

International Trade Amicus: September 2019

Article 5 of Agreement on Safeguards stresses that a Member shall apply safeguard measures only to the extent necessary to prevent or remedy serious injury and to ‘facilitate adjustment’.

International Trade Amicus: August 2019

SEZs whether eligible constituent of “Domestic Industry” under Indian trade remedial laws? By Vikram Agarwal and Greetika Francis The article in this issue of International Trade Amicus del

International Trade Amicus: July 2019

Anti-dumping duty on imports of certain rubber chemicals - A Catch-22 situation for Designated Authority By Neeraj Chhabra Gujarat High Court has recently in the case of NOCIL Ltd. directe

International Trade Amicus: June 2019

One by one, till there are none: The continuing saga of the Appellate Body By Jayant Raghu Ram The article in this issue of International Trade Amicus discusses the

International Trade Amicus: May 2019

Consequence of non-participation by India in CVD investigations conducted by USA By Bhargav Mansatta Government of the exporting country is also required to file response to the questionnaire issu

International Trade Amicus: April 2019

All is fair in trade and war – Panel Ruling on interpretation of security exceptions in Russia-Traffic in Transit By Jayant Raghu Ram The WTO recently circulated the Panel report in Russia &n

International Trade Amicus: March 2019

US withdrawal of GSP benefits for India By Bhargav Mansatta India is a beneficiary country under the GSP regime of United States. The article in this issue of International Trade Amicus discusses t

International Trade Amicus: February 2019

Analysis of “Material Retardation”: A WTO jurisprudential perspective on DGTR’s recent findings By Greetika Francis The present article analyses the final findings of some